A Travellerspoint blog

16 October - UAE


sunny 33 °C

Well let the crazy stuff begin...

Took the beach bus today (Jumeirah region). Well what an eye opener. Over 25% of the worlds cranes are now situated in Dubai. They cant build things fast enough! I have to say the stuff they were building 10 years ago was quite unappealing to the western taste. They now are employing people from all corners of the globe which has bought a more international style to things.

We went to the 3rd largest shopping centre in the world. I dont think we saw it all, but we did see the ski slopes! Sitting at -2oC I was tempted to make a run for it when we got off our unairconditioned bus, but refrained when I saw all the contents of this bizare world wearing all their ski gear and hats and mittens and all the like. It is the highest indoor ski slope, but not the longest (but I'm sure their working on that as we speak!)

Also visited Souq Madiant Jumeirah. This has been the nicest building that we've seen.


Its built in the traditional style and is full of classy touristy shops selling amazing Iranian rugs, quality jewellery and beautiful handmade clothes, pottery and other artefacts. We had lunch at an expensive restaurant down on the water's edge and got the first close up haze-free glimpses of the Burj from here...

After the bus trip we ended back at yet another of their 88 shopping centres in Dubai and found a free shuttle bus back to the Souq district so decied to take it. Found an american girl Marcia who had basically 24 hours here and didnt know what to see. We invited her to join us. We had a great time and she really enjoyed the Souq area. We bought some safron from the souq dealers. Paid about $20 for 10g of safron (about a hand full). I know back home you pay about $6 for about 3 strands of it in the supermarket. Just hope we're allowed to bring it home!!!

Today it was 33oC and 85% humidity!

Posted by cssc 12:03 Archived in United Arab Emirates

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